2024 Final Major Project - Introduction

JP is an aspiring animator currently studying Creative Digital Media.

Cretaceous Freyja

Cretaceous Freyja is a 3D animated short film made using Cinema4D and PremierePro. It follows the characters of Alex, Bill and Cate as they discover and run from a T. Rex. The film falls into the action and horror genre and contains contains much complex animal animation.

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About me

I am an eighteen year old Creative Digital Media student from Lancashire interested in 3D animation and games design. In this final project I'm using my technical and organisational skills to create a short animated action-horror film about a dinosaur chase scene - with the theme of Ancient Gods. This website is here to showcase and evaluate my whole development process.

I started this course wanting to create video games but being exposed to the 3D animation process through programs like Cinema4D and through college projects like Project Pangolin it has become my main focus. This is why this project is an animation, as I believe my effort and skills will be the best displayed in a medium I enjoy.

A Note On Project Organisation

In order to create the best possible final project I have made a major focus on project organisation. To do this I created a simple system that gave each task and related file a unique ID. This ID is constructed as follows:

It is a three digit number wherein the first number indicates the section of the project, such as research or prepoduction; the second number indicates the specific task being completed like theme research or drawing storyboards and the third number shows the sub-task such as specific models being found.

As an example, the file with the ID 113 is under the research section, is task one in that section (formulating ideas) and is sub task three of that task.

This numbering system is used throughout the project. It is used to name files and folders and to reference tasks within timelines and GANTT charts.

All of this together creates a great base for the project and allows the whole thing to run very smoothly. Not only in keeping track of where everything is but in knowing what is completed and what needs to be worked on.