My Portfolio

I am an aspiring animator currently studying Creative Digital Media.

Project Pangolin

In late 2023 for a work experience project I was tasked with making a piece of media to spread awareness about the hunting of pangolins.

I produced a short animation, created with digital puppets that were tweened in Adobe Premiere Pro, for the project.

A showcase of how the project developed from a vertical top-down video with static characters to the side-scrolling horizontal final form with full animation.

Transformers Animatic

An animatic created to reinterpret a sequence from the 1986 film The Transformers The Movie.

Created using Pencil2D for the drawings and Audacity for the audio which combines lines from different moments in the film into one cohesive scene.

Bee Girl Character Art

Bee Girl is a character I have developed for a few years now. They were created for a story but quickly became their own thing.

Whenever I need a character for a drawing or art piece I use Bee Girl as they showcase my character design and illustration well.